Been a long time
I suppose it has since I posted last but my archive is full of unfinished and aborted posts (would I lie to you?) It may not seem that way but I have always been a hair-pulling, lip-biting paralyzed perfectionist when it comes to writing. When I was in school, the only way I could force myself to finish papers was to wait until the last minute when editing was virtually impossible... ah those heady days of feverishly plock-plock-plocking (typing has never been my strong suite, stymied by qwerty and lack of coordination and motivation) until 10:45 for a 11:00 o'clock class, then parking illegally in order to squeak in under the wire, tossing my elegantly stapled masterpiece onto the Pile of Judgement. I was a nervous wreck but there was something almost orgasmic about cutting it so close. And always getting As. I mean, what was the point of starting earlier if I was going to get an A anyway? Maybe I was missing out on some incredible foreplay for years: I could have indulged in some languid typewriter strokes instead of the feverish pounding... Huh.
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