Sunday, July 16, 2006

Funny hahaha

I don't even remember what site I was on to run across a link to this JenIs blog, but needless to say, I'm sure, as some loser from The Heartland, I wasn't supposed to be there. The internet is funny like that; you would think there would be bouncers to insure that the undesirable don't wander about, getting into trouble, and talking back to their social and geographical betters.

So this chick's latest blog is about how fat, ugly tourists from the Midwest wear these ugly sandals into her city, which is... no, I won't ruin it for you. GUESS WHERE!!! It's former holier-than-thou mayor with one of the most annoying girl-boy voices known to American politics is thinking about making a presidential run in 2008. ANNYHOOO... is it really true that no New York native is fat, ugly or ever dressed in anything that is less than, well, you know, FASHIONABLE? I've always wondered that. Just like I've always wondered why cowboys are called cowboys and not steermen.


Blogger Ralph Murre said...

As a slightly fat, slightly ugly and slightly bald man, from somewhere north of Milwaukee, I think we should let New Yorkers have there sense of fashion superiority. They haven't much else to feel good about, you know.

- R.

7/16/2006 8:39 PM  
Blogger pure_unadulterated_jill said...

Ah, ok. I still say we have better pizza than they do. Soggy crusts just don't do it for me.

7/17/2006 10:46 AM  
Blogger pure_unadulterated_jill said...

Plus, I read somewhere on the unverifiable web that women are amputating their little toes (the one that cried wee wee wee all the way home!) in order to fit into pointed-toed shoes. If that's what fashionable means, I guess I will transfer my indignation elsewhere.

7/17/2006 10:52 AM  

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